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Women in Cycling

How Nancy Cowan will #LeadHerForward

By: Nancy Cowan  January 31, 2020

Sports are much more than just a game or just a competition. Sports are an opportunity to learn more about yourself and develop skills that will benefit you in and out of competition. National Girls and Women in Sports Day is all about celebrating and encouraging the involvement of females in sports, so more women can emerge as leaders in sports and life. At USA Cycling, we are lucky to have so many talented and passionate women that are committed to connecting girls and women to cycling. Here’s what they have to say about their experiences in sports and how they use their love for sports to enact change.

Nancy Cowan, Executive Assistant, Office Manager & an Officer on the Board of Directors of USA Cycling

"I’ve been with this sports organization for just over 10 years. On a daily basis, I live and breathe cycling in my job. I’m passionate about athlete development, the Olympic movement, Team USA, and our objectives of providing Fun, Safe, Equitable and Measured cycling in the United States. The red, white, blue and stars on the flag really move me. Winning moves me. Motivation moves me. And I get these things by working here. Watching and supporting athletes gives me the drive to do my job, and do it well, under pressure, and with confidence and determination. Seeing the discipline our athletes have, encourages me to be the best I can be in my position. Everything I do in some small way helps our athletes and our members. Athletes and Members send me letters, cards, and sometimes a bottle of wine. I do my job for them. And I love being able to help.

Cycling for me personally gives me my own 'me time' and space to think and just be. Recently I purchased an E-bike, and it gives me great pleasure on the weekends and the ability to get up Colorado hills easier. I love the freedom riding a bike gives you. I love the health & wellness aspect of the sport. I’m not a competitor, just the casual rider, but in our sport, we have all kinds of riders and that’s a good thing. To quote John F. Kennedy 'Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.'"

History of the Celebration from Women's Sports Foundation

"The Women’s Sports Foundation was established in 1974 to advance the lives of women and girls through sports and physical activity. February 5, 2020, marks the 34th Annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day (NGWSD). This celebration inspires girls and women to play and be active, to realize their full power. The confidence, strength and character gained through sports participation are the very tools girls and women need to become strong leaders in sports and life."

Join us in Celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day February 5th, 2020!